Friday, April 20, 2018

Post # 35

Play practice, special events, and the importance of flexibility- tis the season! There are just a few things I am 100% certain of when it comes to teaching and learning. Students (young and old) thrive when there is a predictable routine and schedule. That said, life is going to get a little crazy during the next few weeks as we prepare for the play and enjoy special events. We chatted about the importance of being our best selves: showing respect, having patience, maintaining focus, and being flexible. We all promise to practice these virtues (teacher included).

I wish every American could watch a Naturalization Ceremony. The girls were excellent ambassadors for our school during Wednesday's field trip. Judge Lauck explained the citizenship process to the girls and gave them a tour of her chambers. Not only did they watch the swearing in of 84 new Americans from a dozen different countries, they also learned about the U.S. Marshal Service and met one very special U. S. Marshal. Ask your daughter about Wanda. The girls are reading about the challenges many immigrants face today as well as those immigrants who entered the U.S. through Ellis Island.

We watched Queen Elizabeth, Princess Dianna, and Princess Kate Middleton all walk down the aisle. The girls worked through some pretty tough problem solving about these historic weddings. Several of the problems required algebra which should have been a stumbling block. BUT... thanks to bar modeling the girls were able to solve the multi-step equations. Click here to see the kind of problem solving the girls have been up to.

I enjoyed conferencing with everyone during these past few weeks. I am going to miss this special group of Fourthies. Here's to a strong finish to Fourth Grade!

Bike Day is Monday! Be sure to pack a bag lunch, water, and sunscreen. Did you remember your helmet?

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.

* Please email me a family picture. It doesn't need to be recent but needs to include at least mother and daughter. There is a special holiday in May and we are going to work on a project using the family pic.
* Play Information- COSTUMES 
*Assembly- Formal Names Needed 
* Class Chapel- Monday, April 23rd @ 8:15 LSAR
* Bike Day, April 23rd (Details from the PE department.) Bike safety video.
Homework- Posted for family planning
* Special Week Girl-Ali
Carpool Helpers-Camden and Lydia

Class Leadership Week of 4/23
Ambassadors- Camden and Grace
Photographer- Lydia

Girls-Your blog question is.......What should you bring for bike day? Post your answer here

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