Friday, April 13, 2018

Post #34

What is the difference between a scientist and a poet? We pondered that question this week prior to our poetry writing lab. Grace summed it up, "A scientist observes with her eyes and a poet expresses her observations with her heart."

You may have heard that a royal wedding is on the horizon. The Fourthies aren't invited but nothing says we can't take a faux trip overseas to see the nuptials and participate in all the activities. We are going all out for this event! The girls began by affecting a British accent (using their spelling words). More about the royal wedding in next week's post.

We've been having some interesting conversations about life in the 1940's, particularly the changes in the lives of women. The 40's was a decade of many firsts, including the discovery of penicillin and the production of M&Ms. The girls created advertisements for the invention they believed most important. Once again- creativity was off the charts! We looked at the only film image (10 second clip) of Anne Frank and imagined what she was thinking. I loved the girls' thoughtful reflections. 

It's all about decimals in math. We have a saying that goes like this, "Decimals can save your job. And geometry can save your life." They understand the importance of lining up decimals, especially when money is involved. No one is quite sure how geometry can save lives. Any thoughts? Multiplication of decimals was introduced and addition of decimals was reinforced with a "Shopping Project." The girls planned a summer wardrobe which led to a lot of decimal adding practice. To check their accuracy they created a spreadsheet with the following formula: =SUM(C1,B2:B40)
A great lesson in the importance of Attention to detail. 

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.

Updated Play Rehearsal Schedule:
* Play Information- COSTUMES
Naturalization Field Trip, April 18th 
* Class Chapel- Monday, April 23rd @ 8:15 LSAR
* Bike Day, April 23rd (Details from the PE department.) Bike safety video.
Homework- Posted for family planning
* Special Week Girl-Lucy
Carpool Helpers-Camden and Grace

Class Leadership Week of 4/16
Ambassadors- Alice and Eliza
Photographer- Cate

Girls-Your blog question is.......What day is our field trip? Post your answer here

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