Friday, May 11, 2018

Post #38

We had a blast celebrating 100 Class Compliments at Zazoli Sweets. The owner was very tolerant of our enthusiasm and celebratory noise. Thanks, Sharon!

The girls came back from their Middle School Orientation TIRED but excited. They are ready for the next step. But am I ready to see them go???? 

This group of girls loves to write and share their writing. You can see their Wordly Wise creative writing here and this week's Three Word Thursday here

World War II is over. They girls watched the surrender agreement between the Axis Powers and the Allies. We discussed the losses on both sides and how no one really is a winner when it comes to wars. We are now in the 1950's. Let the good times roll! The first Peanut comic strip was published at the beginning of this decade. The girls made their own comic and included WW words. TVs became a household staple in the 1950's. The girls watched an excerpt from a popular 1950 TV show and summarized the plot. It was interesting how much they enjoyed the slow moving, single plot, black and white show.

The girls were assessed on decimals. They had a chance to get clever with a little math humor. One task was to make a meme about decimals and/or fractions. Here are two examples from Grace and Eliza. We celebrated their test errors (it's all about a growth mindset) and the girls made corrections. Look for the math test in their work folder. Geometry is our new unit. The girls now know how geometry can save their life. They created a public service announcement about the geometry tie-in. Your daughter can explain.

The girls had fun creating Mother's Day mementos. Enjoy your special day!

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.

* Leave for the Royal Wedding- Fascinator Parade 5/17 @ 10:30 (The girls may wear or bring a fancy dress to change into for the parade and "plane trip to London."
* Book Fair 5/16-5/17 (Our class goes on 5/16 from 2:30-2:50)
Required Summer Reading (Books will be available at the Book Fair)
* Busch Gardens Choir and Strings Trip (5/18) (Good luck Alice, Cate, and McKenzie)
* Fourth Grade Swim/Movie Party 6/1 
* Final Assembly- 6/5 @ 1:00 (Girls should wear a dress, skirt, or nice slacks. They will be walking up steps to the gym stage, so please try to avoid heels.)
Homework- Posted for family planning
Carpool Helpers-Alice and Sarah

Class Leadership Week of 5/14
Ambassadors- Ava and Eliza
Photographer- Lydia
Girls-Your blog question is.......What do we need to collect for St. Andrew's School? Post your answer here

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