Friday, May 4, 2018

Post #37

Movin on down the road! The show was great and we are in fact getting ready to move on down the road to Middle School. The girls will tour the MS on Wednesday. They will partner up with a fifth grade buddy and learn the ins and outs of their next academic adventure.

These girls are finishing STRONG! They have earned 100 compliments and we are going to celebrate by taking a little field trip to Zazoli's on Thursday. I'll treat everyone to a $2 confection. The girls may bring extra money if they want. 

Imagine your family starring in a movie..... that's what the girls have been doing. They wrote plot summaries of the movie. The summaries included many genres- even HORROR! Have no fear; all movies were rated G (maybe one was PG). 

Someone commented that we didn't do much math this week. Not true! We worked with dividing decimals, more Royal problem solving, and of course daily Mindful Maths. Our schedule will return to normal next week. Ahhhhhhhh! We can't wait.

Finally- A HUGE thanks to all the parent volunteers during "Play Season" We could not have done it without you. 

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
* Middle School Visit- Wednesday May 9th (9:00-12:45) Lunch will be provided for all girls.
Busch Gardens Choir and Band Trip (Good luck Alice, Cate, and McKenzie)
Homework- Posted for family planning
* Special Week Girl-Laila 

Class Leadership Week of 5/7
Ambassadors- Eliza and Ceci
Photographer- Cate

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