Friday, March 16, 2018

Post #29

Have you heard that March is Women's History Month?
The Fourthies are going all out for Women's History Month. They are reading Newsela articles about contemporary women and those who came before us. The girls are sifting through dozens of mini-biographies and practicing note-taking skills. They are summarizing factual information about these prominent women but also adding a creative voice. Ask your daughter to show you her spreadsheet with social media handles and birthday wishes. This week's Writing Lab was a persuasive essay that also features a notable woman. The girls are practicing writing three-prong thesis statements about the woman they chose. We will work more on this next week and have a little fun with Mt. Rushmore. 

Of course there is a math component to our Women's History celebration. The girls are solving EdPuzzles about women in history and gaining an understanding of how fortunate they are to live in today's world. Here's an example:
We finished Unit Five in math. The girls completed many activities in class and will not take a formal assessment on this unit. They proved their proficiency by working through EdPuzzles and daily Mindful Maths activities. Our new unit focuses on decimals. They practiced reading decimals, making wholes, and writing decimals as fractions. We are off to a strong start with this unit. 

Every so often the girls go on a math scavenger hunt throughout the Lower School. They scan a QR code, solve problems, work together, and generally have a good old time. A few asked why we don't do this more often. Point taken- I'll include more of these "hunts" in the coming weeks.

Our travels through the 1930's are over and we will move into the 1940's next week. Our next novel will be Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. The novel is about the escape of a Jewish family from Copenhagen during World War II. 

We had a cluster chapel (3rd and 4th graders) today and discussed carpool behavior. Spring has sprung and the noise level and general behavior has gotten pretty rowdy. We want carpool to run efficiently for everyone. Who wants to sit in the carpool line longer than necessary, right? The girls understand their responsibility to be quiet and attentive. I know behavior will improve.

Wow, we've been busy this week! It's hard to believe that Spring Break was just a week ago.

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needed a parent response is highlighted.
CARITAS Information Fourthies are asked to bring snack size popcorn or chips
* Daisy Days raffle tickets went home today. They are in your daughter's backpack.
* Maypole Information for parents and girls
Homework- Posted for family planning
* Special Week Girl-Alice 
Carpool Helpers-Camden and Ali 
Class Leadership Week of 3/19
Ambassadors- Eliza and Ceci
Girls-Your blog question is....... Name one women and what you learned about her this week. Post your answer here

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