Friday, February 23, 2018

Post #27

The girls shared their Animal Book Projects. They were interesting, informative, and CREATIVE. Our next book project will involve a fiction book of choice. Our novel study, set in the 1930's is The Home-Run King by Patricia McKissack. The novel teaches about our segregated past and showcases superstars in the Negro Baseball League. The girls are gathering facts about the 1930's and will build on a collaborative bulletin board next week.

The girls worked with determination on their Unit Four Math Test. The test required the girls to think outside the box and make connections using their fraction knowledge. Look for these in next week's work folder. The next unit focuses on multiplying and dividing compound measures and loops back to fractions. 

Olympic athletes were researched and trading cards were made. This activity gave the girls some practice with summarizing. Here's an example:
This Thursday began with a fabulous Author Talk by Carmen Agra Deedy. She is a master storyteller and the girls had a blast!
Our second Innovation Day is next Friday. The girls collaborated with Mrs. Ferrell's class back in October and sketched an idea that would help solve a world problem. They will build models on Friday that demonstrate their ideas. The girls are encouraged to scrounge around and bring the following material to school:
Tissue box
Curly straws
Cup and bowl 
tape- masking, duct, scotch
Cardboard boxes
Toilet rolls
Paper Bag/Plastic Bag
Pipe cleaners
Hot Glue gun
Flag Stickers
Glitter glue
Hole puncher
Paper lots of paper!
tissue paper
colored pencils, markers
paper plates

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needed a parent response is highlighted.
Homework- Posted for family planning.
All the Lower School lost and found will be on display in the LSAR Monday, Feb 26 from 10-4.
* Special Week Girl-Ceci 
Class Leadership Week of 2/26
Ambassadors- Alice and Ali
Girls-Your blog question is....... Name a book by Carmen Agra Deedy? Post your answer here

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