Friday, January 12, 2018

Post #20

What is the best way to eat an Oreo cookie? The girls pondered this question. History4Fourthies has us in the 1910's- the decade when the first Oreo was enjoyed. Our writing lab focused on using transition words while explaining a process. The girls wrote about their favorite way to eat an Oreo. Their writing is shared here:

The girls read about the unsinkable Titanic. They studied the data and were appalled at the treatment of the third class passengers. They calculated the differences (1st class vs. 3rd class) in survival numbers and we had some deep discussions about the way people were viewed and treated during that time in history. 

We have been talking about Martin Luther King Jr. and how different life was when he was a boy. The girls acted out a reader's theater and really got into the story of a young MLK Jr. I'll be sure to include more reader's theaters as we move ahead in the decades. 

The girls checked out an animal book and will be reading at home. A note-taking handout will come home on Tuesday. We will work with the library databases and add to their notes for this mini research project. 

The girls are adding and subtracting mixed numbers, simplifying improper fractions, and explaining their understanding by journaling. They continue to impress me with their determination. 

The second semester starts on Tuesday. Yes, we are half way finished with fourth grade! The girls spent time reflecting on the first half of fourth grade. They wrote a goal for the third quarter and have signed up for a Teacher/Student conference. I'll be conferencing with each girl during the next two weeks

Thanks for guiding them to our blog for classwork during our snow days. I gave them next week's homework plan today. We talked about the importance of being proactive and prepared especially when the weather causes changes. I will always add something to the blog on snow days to keep the proverbial "Lamp of Learning Burning." Snow next week?
Nuts and Bolts:
Information needed a parent response is highlighted.
Homework- Posted for family planning.
* Chinese starts next week.
* Special Week Girl-Lydia (1/22) 
Class Leadership Week of 12/18
Ambassadors- Stella and Caelan
Photographer- Grace
Girls-Your blog question is....... What language do you start next week? Post your answer here

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