Friday, October 13, 2017

Post #8

A growth mindset is essential in math. I am so impressed with the determination these girls are bringing to math. They completed the Unit One assessment that took them out of their comfort zone. Each math assessment will include a writing component, listening station, and an EdPuzzle. The girls problem solved with Mildred Dresselhaus and added to her high school yearbook quote.

Look for the assessments in next week's work folder. Next week's fact check is what we Fourthies call a POWER CHECK- the girls will be assessed on the 3, 4, 5, 6 times tables. Practice is making progress.
This week was packed with lots of creative writing. The girls are putting the finishing touches on their fall themed Storybird. Many have published and you can see them here. We listened to the Widow's Broom by Chris Van Allsburg and the girls spun an alternate ending. They love sharing their writing and in doing so are improving their presentation and communication skills. We are getting into All of a Kind Family as the drama and mystery is increasing. More hashtag summarizing was added to Google Slides. The girls are exploring, discovering, and enhancing their slideshows. Their Three Word Thursdays are becoming stronger each week. How could you write creatively using the following words:
 sneeze, braces, space, CHALLENGE: Include directions for how to eat soup with a fork.

The girls are doing their best to wrap up the realistic fiction book project. Finding a quiet place to record has been challenging but we are determined. If only we could build an addition on the classroom:)

Personalized Learning is taking on a life of its own. The girls are beyond excited to be exploring, discovering, and learning about their interests and passions. More on this as the projects unfold.

In summary it's been a great week of learning with these incredible girls. But, the best part of my week has been this incredible boy
Landon Richard Dunkum

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needed a parent response is highlighted.

*Fall Conferences are underway- Check your conference time here.
Wordly Wise Dress Up Day is Tuesday, October 31st!!! Details here.
Homework- Homework is posted each Friday for family planning.
Special Week Girl- Caelan 
Carpool Helpers- Laila and McKenzie will represent our class next week
Class Leadership Week of 10/16
Ambassadors- AC and Lucy
Reporters- Lydia and Camden
Photographer- Sarah
Your blog question is....... When was Landon Richard Dunkum's birthday? Post your answer here

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